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Start Building Wealth Today!

At the Wealth Building CPA, students learn how to become wealthy investors without making costly mistakes. This aggressive approach will fast-track you to financial success.

We’ll help you implement the best of the teachings from renowned real estate and wealth-building experts such as Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Allen, David Lindahl, Robert Shemin, Dave Ramsey, and many more.

Click this to meet Ebere Okoye

7 Most Costly Mistakes Most Real Estate Investors Make

Come join a hard-working, fun team and build your career!


Join us for a faith-based one-hour broadcast on the power of generosity. From the comfort of your living room, you will hear compelling speaking and testimony on the impact that your “yes” to irrational generosity can have, and you can do this among friends. We host conversations about money in an environment that never asks you for donations or anything in return.

Questions? Click Below To Watch Our Answer

Optimize Your Benefits

Many clients are unaware that nonprofit organizations are still required to file tax information returns with the IRS. We perform Audits of non-profit organizations, preparation of financial statements, bookkeeping, and tax preparation of Form 990.

Take Advantage of Every Tax Benefit

If you are the owner of an S Corp, Partnership, C Corp, or Multi-owner LLC, our services are just what you are looking for. We help with quarterly tax support, preparation of financial statements, business registration, bookkeeping, year-end tax planning, and more.

Learn About Investing with an Advisor You Trust

The majority of our time is spent helping clients determine the right business entity structure for their real estate investments in an effort of providing maximum liability protection.

Build A Rich Future

We prepare and handle all types of individual income tax returns. With our years of extensive experience and the latest software technology, we are able to facilitate tax preparation, entity structuring, retirement planning, and plenty more.


Top Ten Year End Tax Planning Review (2021)

Advice From The Wealth Building CPA

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New Ways For Investors To Raise Money + FREE Report!

Watch this exclusive webinar on New Ways for Investors to Raise Money, then sign up…

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7 Most Costly Mistakes Most Real Estate Investors Make

GET YOUR FREE REPORT NOW! ON How to Avoid the 7 Most Costly TAX and…

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